OH The Fiber

I spent most of this week processing fiber. I did of course get out to play (and groom) the rabbits and feed the goats and alpacas treats. I even was able to get some cross-country skiing in. However for the most part I was processing fiber. I usually start by taking the dirty fleece and skirting it on an old sheet in my living room.  

Fluffy loving the fleece

As you can see the Fluffy loves it when I get the fleece out too.  After the fleece is skirted I usually divide it into two halves. Then it’s time to scour(wash) the fleece.

Depending on the type of fleece it can take one wash (huayaca alpaca), wool fleece(2 to 3 washes) and suri alpaca(4 to 6 washes). I found the huayaca is the easiest to wash as the dirt is usually just dust and some vegetable matter(vm). Sheep fleece due to the lanolin(grease) takes a bit more work if it is tightly crimped it may take even more. I found suri alpaca to be the hardest to clean  because the locks seem to hold the dirt they remind me of actual hair locks because they are so silky but can still be dirty(ask me how I know).

A great place for me to scour seems to be my bathtub. I just use hot water from the tap and add enough dawn dish detergent to make the water blue(industrial size from sam’s club).  Then I put the fleece in( if it’s alpaca i use a mesh bag to hold all the pieces) I make sure the fleece is completely covered with soapy water and walk away(keeps me from wanting to swish it around and felting it).

 (notice the cat did not join in the washing process)

I check the fiber after each wash to see how clean it is by drying a lock with a towel and holding it by a fan for a few minutes. When it is clean( not greasy) I put in a mesh bag and use my top loading washer(only in the house for this purpose) and spin it for about 10-15 seconds. Then I lay it on the drying racks to dry.

 I do try to keep the cat out of this part of the process. I also use a fan to dry it faster. Once the fiber studio is done I won’t have to do this in the house anymore. I’m so excited. That is basically how to clean a fleece. Feel free to comment or ask questions.

About deyaneria

I'm a farmer with a love of all things fibery. I rescue fiber animals and sell their fiber to support them and myself.
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