First Snow Day This Year

We are officially having our first snow day of the winter season. I woke up to my son telling me there was no school and looked from my bed to see a wall of white.

This is out front and the barns.

my favorite view

This is the greatest part, just outside my back door.

After checking the animals to make sure they were ok. I started scouring 6pds of fleece. Honestly, I haven’t  touched it since summer when I skirted it and washed the first 6 pds. This is the 2nd wash.

 I usually do a big batch of fiber in the tub and spin it for about 15 secs in a washer only used for that purpose.

I also hit up the drumcarder for a bit and sketched out a new hat pattern I’ve had on the brain for awhile. I feel I had a successful and productive Snow Day.

About deyaneria

I'm a farmer with a love of all things fibery. I rescue fiber animals and sell their fiber to support them and myself.
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